As it becomes clear that hybrid work policies are being considered across the country, the question becomes how do you determine if it will work for you? The hybrid model will look different depending on the industry, resources and culture of the organization.
For example, a company that is data driven may have more flexibility to offer a variety of hybrid options as opposed to a company that produces a physical product. Implementing hybrid policy is no longer driven by the necessity of a pandemic. Companies have to weigh the value of hybrid to its employees compared to its effect on the bottom line.
So how do you go about determining if a hybrid environment is right for your business? And if it is, how do you implement it?
Here is a step by step process to help in your deliberations:
Find out what your employees are thinking. Don’t assume what your employees want. Take the time to ask them about their ideas. This will develop a culture of trust, increase buy-in to your ultimate decision and may generate ideas you haven’t thought of before. This can be done through surveys, in person interviews or town hall meetings.
Examine the possibilities from many perspectives. Bring a team together to analyze the information and create proposals. Have representatives from throughout the company so that all areas of the company have representation in one room. Members of this team can include human resources, finance and employee representatives.
Communicate the process to employees. Let them know an approximate timeline and the people involved in the process. If there are going to be any updates, give people an idea of when to expect these benchmarks. You want to get it right. Take your time, but don’t let people get lost in the process. If people have to start asking questions about what is going on, then you are not communicating effectively.
Once a decision is made, communicate not only the policy but the process and rationale behind it. Most employees recognize that it can’t be all their way. They get that the needs of the company and employee have to be balanced. Employees will make a better transition if they have a full understanding of the entire process. This is especially important if an existing policy is going to radically change. The more employees fully understand the ‘why’, the better they can make the transition.
Communicate the information through a variety of channels. Use all of the modalities you can to communicate the policy decision throughout the organization. This should include virtual and in person communication. This allows people with different learning styles the ability to effectively process the information.
Provide ways for employees to get questions answered. No matter how good your process, there will still be questions. Before rolling out the policy, set up systems that allow employees easy pathways to get the information they need.
Create a good transition plan. Take into consideration how much change you are introducing into your employees' lives. Provide plenty of time for employees to make the adjustments they need to make the transition as smooth as possible.
A successful hybrid policy allows employees to have some freedom while also serving the needs of the company. The effort you put into analyzing options, communicating processes and providing time for transition will result in a better policy and a better work culture.
G2 Solutions can provide guidance as you go through this process. Contact us to see how we can help.
Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash