In our last blog, we discussed the benefits of cultivating a humble leadership style. Incorporating specific behaviors into your leadership practices can develop this humble leadership and foster a more effective and satisfying work environment. These behaviors include:
Accept feedback
Creating a culture where people feel comfortable providing and receiving feedback (both positive and negative) develops a bond of trust. Creating avenues to receive feedback from all levels of the organization and appropriately responding actively demonstrates that you value your employees.
Acknowledge mistakes
When you're open to admitting mistakes, you help others feel comfortable doing the same and demonstrate vulnerability. This creates an environment where employees feel safe and supported.
Ask others for help
Being reliant on others demonstrates that you appreciate their insights. It models that as a leader you are comfortable not having all of the answers and are focused on getting the job done.
Actively listen
Actively listening (paying attention, checking for understanding, reflecting feelings and summarizing) signals to people that you genuinely want to hear their ideas. By taking the time to fully understand your team members, you reinforce the value of their contribution.
Publicly acknowledge a participatory process
This is a fancy way of saying, let others know how you got your ideas. This can be done at in person meetings or through electronic communication. Focusing on others' contributions more than your own makes a powerful impression and builds a humble, encouraging culture.
Be open to learning
Take advantage of learning through training and coaching. Your willingness to get additional education demonstrates that you still have things to learn.
With all of these behaviors, it is important that they are authentic to who you are. If you do not genuinely adopt them, it will quickly become transparent to your team which can weaken faith in your leadership.
Adopting humility practices creates an environment that is compassionate, attuned to the needs of others and focused on supporting the organization.
Wouldn’t we all like to work in a place that could be described like this? Intentionally embracing these practices will help build a culture that allows the company and those in it to thrive.